Monday, April 25, 2011

Tucker lost his first tooth!!!

Thursday when I picked the kids up from daycare, Tucker handed me a little baggie and in it was his first tooth!!! He was so excited to show his Dad! So we took it with us to Price where he was able to show everyone else too! I dont know about this tooth fairy though, Tucker got $6.00 for his first tooth! He was so excited! He bought a $5.00 movie at Walmart and a candy bar with his money. He was so proud. I can not believe that he is old enough to be losing teeth! My little boy is not a little boy anymore...I love how much he has grown up and how mature he is. He is so smart!!

Easter 2011

This year for Easter we went down to Price and Ferron. It was a really good time. We had planned to go out on the mountian, but of course, the weather had to rain on my parade!! So we did soup at Aunt Mar's Friday night and lunch an Nan's Saturday. I am a retard and was so busy that I did not take as many pictures as I should have and I feel really terrible about it!!! We stayed at Shayla's place, it was a blast! My kids enjoy her so much! Tucker and Bry had a great time playing with their cousins and Brad and I enjoyed visiting with the rest of the family. Friday night, Tucker colored 3 dozen eggs in less than an if you ever need a bunch of eggs colored Tucker is your man LOL!!! Bryken and Brad were crashed out on the couch.

Saturday morning we went to Helper to the Easter Egg hunt there. Brad and I need another camera because I was with Bry and I took pictures of him and by the time I got over to where Tucker was my dang batteries were dead. Then we took the kids back to Nan's and they found their eggs and baskets from the bunny.

After lunch at Nan's, we headed to Ferron to see our Nelson clan! We had a yummy dinner at Grandma's and we were able to visit for a few hours. It was really great to see Grandma and Grandpa. Wylie came over and even Wyatt and Uncle Jess ventured over for a bit. It was neat to see Brad and Uncle Jess carry on a conversation. It was great to introduce our little Remi to everyone. After a few hours in Ferron we headed back to Price and went to Shayla's. She gave me a pedi and I am so thankful because now I dont have to go to a salon LOL! Sunday morning we went back over to Nan's and had a yummy Easter breakfast and then made way to Malad. Kelle had an Easter Egg hunt with the cousins at her place so we stopped there and roasted marshmallows and the kids searched for eggs. It was a great Easter weekend, the only bad part was Sunday evening when Brad had to leave :(...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trying to take the next step...

Well I have applied for a job in Pinedale and I am PRAYING with all of my heart that I get it. It is for a High School Secretary and it closes May 2! SO everyone cross your fingers!!! I know that Pinedale is not desireable and if I was lucky enough to get the job, I would miss Idaho Falls very much. I would miss my amazing friends who have helped me so much these past years. I would miss my wonderful job and the great people there that I work with. We are like family there and my boss Kyla is AMAZING and my front end buddy Donna has been a huge mentor for me in many aspects of my changing life. My dear Chandra who never fails to compliment me and my kids and who has an obsession with clothing which she is shrinking from LOL so she passes them on to me. My great friend Amy who has never put me down and would drop anything to help me and loves my kids as if they were her own!!! I have the most amazing ward, I have loved it so much and I would miss all the wonderful ladies there. I would MISS MY COFFEE SOOOOOO Much!!! I would miss the fact that whenever I feel like it, I can buzz down to the mall and spend money (Brad would not miss this fact at all)...I would miss how close everything is for me, and how easy we have it. I would miss our little house and my great landlord John, and my AMAZING garden area...But of all the things that I would miss....having us back together as a family is all worth it!!! To have my husband home every single night to eat as a family and have someone to lie down next to and dream have his arms around me and a nightly love for our wake up to him every be able to say "Hey lets go to the lake and have a BBQ" just because we want to. For Brad to be able to come and watch the kids in what they are involved just that right there is so amazing! For him to be able to watch our kids and their everchanging would just be a dream come true. Just so everyone know what I could be heading too.....check out Pinedale at There is really nothing there but an aquatic center and a Ridleys. There is a small movie theatre but the outdoor attractions are what makes it all worth it. I guess Brad said that they are going to build a Walmart there! That would make it feel more like home LOL! Home to me is wherever we can be together as a family, I do not care where we are as long as it is together. Brad actaully works in Big Piney so that would be As far as population stands...both places are smaller than Malad...Kemmerer Wyoming is the closest thing to city life and even that is not a city...but there is an Alco there LOL! All I know is that I want to get this job! And move my family back together...have Tucker start first grade there and be able to get back to normal!!! Housing is out of this world...a 3 bedroom home is about $1300.00 a month, a little 2 bedroom apartment goes for about $900.00 a month! Right now gas prices are about $3.67 for 85 and the prices of groceries is terrible, but when you are in a small town that brings in a lot of revenue, you can charge large amounts because people will pay it instead of driving an hour for cheaper food. We could rent a trailer house for about $700.00 a month, and I am to the point where I would do that just to have us all under one roof again!!! I just really need this job!!! It would be perfect...same hours as my kids...summers off with them and same breaks! Being employed by the school district would be the best of both worlds, I could be working and bringing in money but also be able to spend more time with my kids!!! I hope that this job comes around in my favor!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I never imagined how hard it was going to be to juggle my life. I think that I really underestimated it....adding a third child, doing school full time, working full time, keeping up on the duties of the house, giving my two boys time.....having any me time.....and doing it all without my husband. I guess I thought that I was wonder woman, but I have found out that I am not. I have been trying so hard to hold it all together and not totally fall apart but I have to admit...It is all falling apart. I am starting to let my laundry sit on the back burner....and I have to admit I am a week behind in two of my classes. My poor children dont get a good meal until the weekend because I am so busy that we either have mac n cheese or cereal nightly. I am so focussed on getting my children fed and bathed that by the time I lay down its like "Oh my, I didnt bath..I still have to get up and do homework...crap I need to wash socks......" and then I just seriously want to sit there and cry. So I didnt get a bath...we will have to wear the same socks again tomorrow and hell I am exhausted!!! I have to write on the calendar what are the most important things that need to be done that night and do the rest tomorrow! So where do I let little things go? Well I only shave my legs when I get to actually bath when Brad is home, (other nights or mornings I am jumping in the shower for 5 min, tops) my house is picked up but not clean like I like until the weekend...and school well instead of reading the chapters and taking in all that great info..I scan through them just enough so I can answer the questions and move on. I told myself that I would not live in a trailer park under ANY circumstances but I am finally ready to say MERCY and move into one in Wyoming just so we can be together! Housing up there is CRAZY and I can make a trailer house cute until something better comes I just need a job!! Dear Lord..please help me find a job so we can be together again as a family! Dear Lord, I know that there are others who have it harder than I do...but PLEASE just let this happen for us! I need my dear sweet husband and our life to finally be back to normal. My kids need their daddy and all that he brings to our family. The feeling of peace knowing that he is next to me at night, the feeling of "Ah" I can take a bath....that extra hand to change a diaper or read a story...I need my other half and my best friend back. I know that you never said it would be easy but that it would all be worth it....this is HARD heavenly father, I need you!! I miss having someone to lay next to each night, I miss making dinner, I miss my friend!!! My kids miss their dad....I know that together we are better! The weekends fly by and then it is time again that he leaves and we start another week alone! I know that I took him for granted before and thank you for making me realize how much I need and want him in my if this was a test can I please have passed now :) and we be back in a house together? Thank you Lord..Amen.

Happy Birthday to my AMAZING husband....

Brad turned 28 on Wednesday and boy was he excited! LOL not really! We called him in the morning and sang to him, it was sad that we were not all together but I hope we will be next year!! We just had a lazy birthday weekend and Brad put together the boat!!! YAY!!! I have to say that I can not even begin to tell Brad how I feel about him and the wonderful man and father he is. I met Brad when he was that was a long time ago. He was just this little cowboy driving a GEO around and totally cute. I loved who he was then and I love him even more now. I remember how he use to sing to me and how much I adored him and that has not changed one bit. I decided that I would write 28 reasons why I totally adore this man.....

1. He is my best friend.

2. He bought me the perfect ring LOL

3. He is not afraid to try new being in front of tons of people that he didnt even know, putting on a costume, and giving a speech at the Golden Spike .

4. He is the best looking guy I have ever seen!

5. He take pride in what he does.

6. He is a very hard worker.

7. He makes sure that our family is taken care of no matter how hard it is for us to be apart.

8. He is the best dad in the world to our three amazing children.....who I might add ALL look just like him!

9. He is the best mechanic, and I cant wait for him to teach our boys to fix cars.

10. He is my repair man

11. He is the only one who I want to talk to when I am feeling blue

12. He taught me how to fish

13. He is a kid at heart and plays with our kids like there is no tomorrow

14. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

15. He makes me feel like I am amazing..and he tells me how important I am to him every day

16. He can cook...and he does it very well.

17. He never tells me that anything I have made is gross, he just eats it anyways

18. He helps me out around the house

19. He has the best personality and keeps me laughing

20. He puts his family first

21. He has a great Wrangler butt LOL (that one is for you Grandma)

22. He is full of knowledge on so many things!!!

23. He loves being outside and doing whatever together in the great outdoors

24. He takes Tucker to do "big boy" stuff and loves on the two little ones every chance he gets

25. He supports me and the kids in whatever we find important

26. He looks out for us and wants to know that we are safe

27. He does all the jobs I hate like tilling the garden :)

28. Last but not least, I love the way he has made the two of us into this amazing little family of 5. I am so lucky to have Brad and our children and I cherish all that we have together. I love the fact that he is my forever and I am his. Brad you are so amazing, I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for being mine and making sure that I feel important. Thank you for all the things you have taught our children and for all the things to come. I love you and the man that you are!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bryken is 2!!!

This little two year old is we.......a HANDFUL! But I love every challenging moment of it. He talks like crazy and goes 24/7! I amazed at all the energy this little spitfire has. He loves his daddy and his big far as Remi is concerned, well Bry tells her "Shush"all the time LOL! He is very smart and a master of opening doors. The other day at daycare he escaped into the toddler classroom and painted himself with finger paints, the next day he escaped and covered himself in stamp ink..I tell ya, I am exhausted. He is such an angel though and has this little smile to die for. He is working on using the potty...but we are currently at a stand still at the diaper taking off stage, hey at least he is realizing it is wet and he doesnt like it right? He loves to play with Tucker and torture him just the same. He gets so excited to see his daddy on Friday nights and follows him around for the rest of the weekend. He hates clothes and if you see him in them, it is a good day. His socks and shoes are off before I even hit the stop sign by our house. His current favorite movie is "Memo" (Nemo) and his current favorite drink is "choco" (chocolate milk).
I can not believe how big he is getting and I am so glad that I am his mommy.