Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brad's new toy...

Brad found this little pit bike on craigslist and just had to have it LOL! I have to say that it was a great little investment. Everyone had a blast on it last weekend and it will be perfect when Tucker gets to the age that he can ride it and we turn his four wheeler over to Bryken LOL! We had Shayla up here and so she took it for a spin....more like a crash LMAO..she crashed it into the only pole around. Tucker and Bryken could not get enough of it! And Brad..well we all know how big of a kid he of course he rode it around all day. Tucker didnt stay outside to take pictures, after Brad took him for a long ride down to the pigs, he was cold and ready to be inside. Bryken couldnt get enouhg of outside and so we let him ride his little battery four wheeler around. It was a blast!!! We are going CRAZY waiting for warm weather so we can take the bikes out and ride!!! It is time for BBQ's, camping, and riding!!

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