Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Weekend!

"Familes Are Forever"

Labor Day weekend is going to be a hard time every year, but it is also a great time becasue we are all able to get together as a family. It always falls around my dad's birthday the 5th of September and then it is the weekend that we burried Bompa...going to Price and Ferron is very relaxing, fun, and difficult all at the same time. I treasure every moment with my family, and knowing that I do not get to see them very often makes those times even better. Shayla is now in Price attending school at College of Eastern Utah. She is magoring in Psyc with a minor in dance. She has a scholarship (well many) for the drill team and is also teaching at a dance studio. She is so fun! It was great this weekend as well becasue Bri and Matt were able to introduce Kelty to everyone. Our little family is growing all the time and it is great! I took a lot of picture and I think that it is important to cherish them all...We had a BBQ in Ferron on Saturday for Dad's birthday and then on Monday we had another BBQ it was a lot of fun. There is this really neat park in Price called the Dino Mine. Kara and I took our kids up and played, Danielle's little ones came up to and Shayla, it was a good time!

1 comment:

Bri Thomas said...

Fun I wish I could have stayed for the stuff on Monday! :'(