Today I was reading a blog of a young woman here in July her daughter who is the same age as Bry fell into the canal and died 7 days later...I can not even imagine the pain and suffering and how strong she is...she said that she only regrets not taking more pictures and writting every day in her I am making it a point from now on that no matter how exhausted I am at night, I am going to write in my journal and take time to my scriptures. My two little angels bring me such joy. I love them so much. Even when Bryken has been up all night sick and I am exhausted as his little smiling face looks at me at 7:00 in the morning...or when Tucker is being crazy and cuts my toe with his toenail and brings out a piece of soaking wet toilet paper and tells me that it will be okay and not to scream because it will only hurt for a moment, or when I look at my house and see how big of a disaster these two little sweethearts can make it... I know how blessed I am to have my babies. Tucker starts school on the 20th of September and he is so excited to be a "big boy" me it will be a day full of tears because he is really growing up. Heavenly Father gives us these amazing little people to teach us so many lessons and I read a quote today from that strong mother, "When you are home at night and your little ones are pushing your last nerve, think how different your life would be without them." And that is so true...we as mothers have a huge job raising these little angels and teaching them all about the gospel.