Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tucker and the Lizzzzards!

Boy do I hate these things. We adopted two red bearded dragon lizzards around Christmas time from Brad's sister. Her husband was scared of them and if you know my hunka-hunka burnin' love, he loves reptiles. Surprisingly enough, Tucker takes after his dad. Brad decided that it was time to take these lizzards outside to the open and see how they enjoy the fresh air. They were actaully kind of cool, but that does not change how I feel about these disgusting things. They are really calm and Tucker enjoyed petting them and chasing them all over the grass, it was actually kind of cute. I guess that they can sense how much I dislike them because when I came outside, the big one would puff up and chase after me, not my idea of an enjoyable time. Brad and Tucker seem to get a kick out of the fact that I am scared to death of these little scaly demons!

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